
storekeeper [ˈstɔ:ki:pə(r)]  [ˈstɔ:rki:pə(r)] 


storekeeper 基本解释


storekeeper 网络解释

1. 店主:在联合超市,我们经常提醒团队成员,店主(storekeeper)和商人(merchant)之间有区别. 店主的生意之道很刻板. 他们早起,开店门,开灯,确保店员有活干,店里有东西卖. 然后,他们就等客人上门买东西. 一天的营业结束后,他们就收集销售数据,

2. 仓库管理员:作业班长 Foreman | 仓库管理员 Storekeeper | 教授级高级工程师 Professor of Engineering

3. 仓库保管员:storeroom 仓库 | storekeeper 仓库保管员 | perpetual inventory record 永续盘存记录

4. 材料管理员:Store imprested account 备用材料帐 | Storekeeper 材料管理员 | Storeroom expenses 货机费用

storekeeper 词典解释

1. 店主;商店经理
    A storekeeper is a shopkeeper.

storekeeper 单语例句

1. She also helped uneducated gang members figure out how much they could extort from a storekeeper without bankrupting him.

2. A psychologist said the storekeeper was definitely wrong because her actions could seriously hurt the children.

3. Police arrived on the scene and persuaded the storekeeper to take the change, saying coins were no less money than notes.

storekeeper 英英释义


1. storekeeper什么意思

1. a merchant who owns or manages a shop

    Synonym: shopkeeper tradesman market keeper