1. 风暴:美国国家海洋和大气管理局(NOAA, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration)报告今年大西洋飓风季节风险超过正常水平,目前的预报包括从14至18个风暴(storms)生成7至10个飓风,其中3至6个可能发展为强烈飓风,
2. 暴风雨:Four Seasons/四季 | Storms/暴风雨 | Wonderful Night in Shanghai/上海迷人的夜景
3. 海:ssyy 鬯劳 | storms 海L | sunday 欣欣
4. 暴风:力量||Strength | 暴风||Storms | 棍棒||Staves
1. Farmers were having to harvest crops which fell over in the storms by hand, then reseeding fields.
2. This year's typhoon season has been marked by small and shorter than normal storms, he added.
3. The death toll from Wednesday's storms seems out of a bygone era, before Doppler radar and pinpoint satellite forecasts were around to warn communities of severe weather.
4. The winds from the storms helped spread the debilitating citrus canker disease.
5. Trade experts urged Seoul to be more active in pushing forward talks as a trade pact will help weather global economic storms.
6. Beijing has vowed to be honest about the casualty figures from the weekend's devastating storms amid mounting skepticism about the true toll of the disaster.
7. storms的意思
7. Meteorologists said Stan was driving separate storms across Central America and southern Mexico, provoking flooding and landslides.
8. Passionate football fans in Hangzhou and neighboring areas are eagerly awaiting the match despite chilly winds and snow storms in the region.
9. A day before the Kentucky Derby, some race fans at Churchill Downs sought shelter Friday when the storms arrived in Louisville.
10. Intense electrical storms can cause major damage to complex circuitry in computers and other equipment.