
straggly [ˈstrægli]  [ˈstræɡlɪ] 

straggly 基本解释

形容词散乱的; 蔓延的; 落后的; 脱离行列的

straggly 网络解释

1. 脱离队伍的:stragglingly 脱离队伍地 | straggly 脱离队伍的 | straight angle 平角

2. 凌乱的:16. take the plunge: 冒险,尤其是在踌躇一阵之后 | 17. straggly:凌乱的 | 18. coiffure:发式

3. 脱离行列的:strafer 扫射机 | straggly 脱离行列的 | straight-arm 伸直双臂以防敌人缠近身上

4. 脱离行列的/落后的:straggle /纷纷散落/ | straggly /脱离行列的/落后的/ | straiten /使为难/使穷困/限制/

straggly 词典解释

1. (头发)散乱的;(植物)蔓生的
    Straggly hair or a straggly plant is thin and grows or spreads out untidily in different directions.

    e.g. Her long fair hair was knotted and straggly...
    e.g. The yard held a few straggly bushes.

straggly 单语例句


1. Start by drawing over straggly hairs you want to remove with a white eyeliner pencil to guarantee that the placement is right before tweezing them.

straggly 英英释义


1. straggly是什么意思

1. growing or spreading sparsely or irregularly

    e.g. straggly ivy

2. spreading out in different directions

    e.g. sprawling handwriting
           straggling branches
           straggly hair

    Synonym: sprawling straggling rambling