straight as a ramrod

straight as a ramrod [streit æz ə ˈræmrɔd]  [stret æz e ˈræmˌrɑd] 

straight as a ramrod 基本解释
straight as a ramrod 双语例句


1. When the movie was over I saw Shamir, the director, an Aryan woman in a short black skirt with a close-cropped butch haircut. Her blue-green eyes radiated enthusiasm and her legs were straight as a ramrod.

2. Stealing a glance, I noticed her back was ramrod-straight. Her head and shoulders were thrust forward as if willing the car to move faster.

3. He stood as straight as a ramrod.

4. My father sat upright, straight as a ramrod, while the doctor explained to him the serious nature of his illness.

5. Her blue-green eyes radiated enthusiasm and her legs were straight as a ramrod.

6. Any person who is vigorous in his actions or spirit who doesn't jockey for petty advantage or care about material gain and public prestige if he can stiffen his backbone and go his own way, straight as a ramrod, then I can accept him as a friend, as a man.

7. Ramrod straight, straight as a ramrod
    人 腰杆笔直的;挺立的


8. Perfectly straight; straight as a ramrod