
stranger [ˈstreɪndʒə(r)]  [ˈstrendʒɚ] 


stranger 基本解释


名词外地人; 陌生人,不认识的人; 局外人; 门外汉


stranger 相关词组


1. make no stranger of : 热情地对待;

stranger 相关例句


1. He is no stranger to poverty.

2. He is no stranger to sorrow.

3. He is a stranger to Latin.

4. I feel strange in the presence of strangers.

5. I'm a stranger to statistics.

stranger 网络解释

1. 归来的陌生人:也许是刻意,也许只是偶然,人与人第一章 归来的陌生人(STRANGER) 周围一片寂静,死气沉沉的. 但这种黑暗还没有到那种令人不安,无法忍受的程度. 周围物体的爱猫扑.爱生活体显现出来,让人觉得不那么害怕. 真静啊-- 人们为了追求舒适的生活,

2. 好听的:candyman----我一个同学跳舞的歌,很妩媚的歌. | stranger----好听的 | so yesterday----歌词写得很好~我的一个好朋友原来老唱

stranger 词典解释

1. stranger的意思

1. 陌生人
    A stranger is someone you have never met before.

    e.g. Telling a complete stranger about your life is difficult...
    e.g. Sometimes I feel like I'm living with a stranger.

2. 互不相识的人
    If two people are strangers, they do not know each other.

    e.g. The women knew nothing of the dead girl. They were strangers.

3. 外乡人;外地人
    If you are a stranger in a place, you do not know the place well.

    e.g. 'You don't know much about our town, do you?'—'No, I'm a stranger here.'

4. stranger的反义词

4. 生手;外行;(对…)一无所知的人
    If you are a stranger to something, you have had no experience of it or do not understand it.

    e.g. He is no stranger to controversy...
    e.g. We were both strangers to diplomatic life.

5. see also: strange

You do not use stranger to talk about someone who comes from a country which is not your own. You can refer to him or her as a foreigner, but this word can sound rather rude. It is better to talk about someone from abroad.
指非本国人不能用 stranger,要用foreigner,但 foreigner 一词听起来很不礼貌。更恰当的说法是 someone from abroad。
stranger 单语例句

1. Xiang received a phone call in July from a stranger, who said he wanted to do business with him.

2. He gives the stranger a camel and enough food to last till he crosses the desert and tells him to leave.


3. The young cowboy from South Carolina is a stranger in these parts, but the territory is no stranger to horsemen and horses.

4. stranger的近义词

4. From a busy bridge in the suburbs east of San Francisco, commuters catch a daily glimpse of one of the country's stranger graveyards.

5. When a father criticized his son for seeing him " abducted " by a stranger so easily, the boy cried and said parents shouldn't cheat their children.

6. stranger是什么意思

6. Asking a relative or a close friend to go in your stead makes sense, but asking a total stranger is a little preposterous.

7. 911查询·英语单词

7. Devils lurk everywhere in summer and you never know when they will possess some stranger to erupt in violence or spontaneously combust.

8. stranger在线翻译

8. If you're up for the thrill of a ride, just make sure to use common sense when entrusting a stranger with your safety.

9. stranger

9. The police chief said the suspected gunman " was no stranger " to the community center and may have gone there to take a class.

10. Nair said she knew well what it was like to feel a complete stranger in a foreign land.

stranger 英英释义



1. anyone who does not belong in the environment in which they are found

    Synonym: alien unknown

2. an individual that one is not acquainted with