名词扼杀者,压制者; 阻气塞门
1. 扼杀者:瑞德尔作案手段诡秘而残酷,自称是BTK Strangler,即捆绑(Bind)、折磨(Torture)、杀害(Kill)他人的扼杀者(Strangler). 他悄悄潜入或者敲门进入受害者的居所,对受害人施以绑架、折磨、强暴、直至刀刃相加或窒息性扼杀. 有两位遇害母亲的幼童,
2. 绞杀植物:strait 海峡 | strangler 绞杀植物 | strategic factor 战略因素
3. 阻塞门:stranded wire 绞线 | strangler 阻塞门 | strap 搭板
4. 压制者;阻气门;节流阀:stranger 陌生人;外行 | strangler 压制者;阻气门;节流阀 | strap brake 带刹车
1. Until now, there was no suspicion that the slaying was the work of the BTK Strangler.
1. someone who kills by strangling
Synonym: garroter garrotter throttler choker
2. an epiphytic vine or tree whose aerial roots extend down the trunk of a supporting tree and coalesce around it eventually strangling the tree
Synonym: strangler tree