
stratosphere [ˈstrætəsfɪə(r)]  [ˈstrætəsfɪr] 

stratosphere 基本解释


名词[气]平流层,同温层; 最上层,最高栏; 艰深的学科领域

stratosphere 网络解释

1. 平流层:二,平流层(Stratosphere):从对流顶层(tropopause)到约55km的大气层为平流层,这里气流呈水平运动,25km以下温度随高度变化较小,气温趋于稳定,所以又称同温层;25km以上,温度随高度升高而升高.

2. 同温层:这是位于美国赌城拉斯维加斯,名为同温层(Stratosphere)的高塔饭店顶端的游乐场. 根据网站上的资料,塔的高度为1149英尺,换算为公尺约为350;饭店介绍这个游乐场是建筑在100层楼的高度. 但话说回来,被机器手臂甩来甩去、游走在350公尺的高楼边缘甚至以接近直角的角度,

3. 平零:stratose 成层的 | stratosphere 平零 | stratum 层

4. 同温层,平流层:stratoscope 同温层观察镜 | stratosphere 同温层,平流层 | stratospheric aerosol 同温层浮悬体

stratosphere 词典解释

1. 平流层;同温层
    The stratosphere is the layer of the earth's atmosphere which lies between 10 and 50 kilometres above the earth.

2. 最高层;最高水平;顶峰
    If you say that someone or something climbs or is sent into the stratosphere, you mean that they reach a very high level.

    e.g. This was enough to launch their careers into the stratosphere...
    e.g. If oil supplies were ever disrupted, it would send U.S. oil-import bills into the stratosphere.

stratosphere 单语例句

1. Gamma rays would not penetrate Earth's atmosphere well to burn the ground, but they would chemically damage the stratosphere.

2. A technology that is green at ground level becomes an environmental disaster in the stratosphere.

3. stratosphere是什么意思

3. China's stock market is booming, they knew - theirs was hitting stratosphere.


4. His grandfather was the first man to take a balloon into the stratosphere.

5. His late father Jacques plunged deeper beneath the ocean than any other man, and grandfather Auguste was the first man to take a balloon into the stratosphere.

6. It's on the boulevard, on top of the Stratosphere Hotel.

stratosphere 英英释义



1. the atmospheric layer between the troposphere and the mesosphere