strike sail

strike sail [straik seil]  [straɪk sel] 

strike sail 基本解释


strike sail 网络解释

1. 突然下帆:independence of random variables 随机变量的独立性 | strike sail 突然下帆 | actophilous 栖海岩栖海岸的

2. 突然下帆, 收帆 认输, 承认不行; 减少排场:spread the sails 张帆 | strike sail 突然下帆, 收帆 认输, 承认不行; 减少排场 | trim one's [the] sails to the wind 随风使帆; 见风转舵; 随机应变

strike sail 双语例句

1. Never strike sail to a threat.

2. As long as the idea of peace can strike deep roots and the sail of peace can be hoisted in the hearts and minds of people all over the world, a strong defense will be constructed to prevent and stop war.