stumbling block

stumbling block [ˈstʌmblɪŋ blɔk]  [ˈstʌmblɪŋ blɑk] 

第三人称复数:stumbling blocks

stumbling block 基本解释


stumbling block 网络解释

1. 绊脚石:区域主义和多边主义的关系,自从巴格瓦蒂的跳板(building block)还是绊脚石(stumbling block)说提出以来,就一直是学界的热点问题. 赞成区域主义的认为,区域主义是贸易自由化的工具,与多边主义并不矛盾,它是追求短期经济目标的一种战略,

2. 障碍物:stumble 绊倒 | stumbling block 障碍物 | stumblingly 绊倒地

3. 绊脚石,障碍物:1336stubborna. 顽固的,倔强的 | 1337stumbling block绊脚石,障碍物 | 1338stunv. 使晕倒,使惊吓

4. 障碍:Prestigious有声誉的 | Stumbling block障碍 | Assumption假定

stumbling block 词典解释

1. 障碍物;绊脚石
    A stumbling block is a problem which stops you from achieving something.

    e.g. Perhaps the major stumbling block to reunification is the military presence in South Korea.

stumbling block 单语例句

1. stumbling block什么意思

1. But the relative scarcity of three dimensional content is a stumbling block for the products catching on.

2. But the special nature of the law should not become a stumbling block for its effective implementation.

3. He added that the NATO air strikes had " gone beyond United Nations'authorization " and were a " stumbling block to dialogue ".

4. A major stumbling block was North Korea's insistence in maintaining a civilian nuclear program.

5. 911查询·英语单词

5. Lack of mutual trust is the main stumbling block for normalizing and developing healthy bilateral relations.

6. 911查询·英语单词

6. Standard Chartered Plc had been in talks with China Everbright for three years to be a strategic partner but restructuring was a stumbling block.

7. In some cases, going into a sex goods store is the stumbling block.

8. The stumbling block is the need for " partners " to charge interest.

9. stumbling block的解释

9. The key stumbling block remains whether and how richer nations should subsidize growth of the Internet in poorer countries.

10. But the 1997 treaty remains ungratified and not in force, with Russia a key stumbling block.

stumbling block 英英释义


1. any obstacle or impediment