
stump [stʌmp]  [stʌmp] 







stump 基本解释

名词(被砍下的树的)树桩; 残余部分,假肢; (板球三柱门的)柱; 残余部分

及物动词截去…的干; 碰踢; 用擦笔调整画的色调; [非正式用语] 向(某人)挑战

stump 相关例句



1. The candidates for governor will stump the state.


1. He stumped back into the house.

2. After hearing the news, he stumped angrily out of the room.


1. We sat on a stump to take a rest.

2. He wore a broad grin, displaying twin stumps of teeth.

stump 网络解释


1. 树桩:赛 6:13 剩下的人若还有十分之一,也必被吞灭,,,树桩(stump)却仍存留. 这圣洁的种类在国中也是如此.

2. 树墩:究竟树墩(stump)跟演讲拉票有甚么关系呢? 按北美开发初期,树木遭人大量砍伐,处处都有残存的树墩;人们演讲的时候,往往就站在树墩上,当作临时讲坛. 美国独立战争爆发之后,美国国父华盛顿也曾经走到树墩上向军队演说,

3. 残物:Suture 缝合 | Stump残物 | Withdrawal Bleeding 停经出血

4. 残肢:残疾人 people with disability | 残肢 stump | 障碍 disturbance, disorder

stump 词典解释

1. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

1. 残余部分;残段;残根
    A stump is a small part of something that remains when the rest of it has been removed or broken off.

    e.g. If you have a tree stump, check it for fungus...
    e.g. The tramp produced a stump of candle from his deep pockets.

2. stump在线翻译

2. (板球三柱门的)柱
    In cricket, the stumps are the three wooden sticks that are placed upright in the ground to form the wicket.

3. 把…难住;难倒;使…一筹莫展
    If you are stumped by a question or problem, you cannot think of any solution or answer to it.

    e.g. John is stumped by an unexpected question...
    e.g. Well, maybe I stumped you on that one.

4. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

4. 迈着沉重的步子走;跺着脚走
    If you stump somewhere, you walk there with heavy steps.

    e.g. The Marshal stepped over the vacuum-cleaner and stumped out of the room.

5. stump在线翻译

5. (在选举前)作巡回演说,游说
    If politicians stump the country or stump for a candidate, they travel around making campaign speeches before an election.

    e.g. When candidates went stumping around the country, people traveled for miles on foot, by horse, by carriage to hear them speak...
    e.g. He was in Georgia stumping for Senator Wyche Fowler, a Democrat.

6. (选举前)作巡回演说,在游说
    If politicians are on the stump, they are campaigning for an election.

    e.g. The presidential candidates are on the stump today.

相关词组:stump up

stump 单语例句

1. stump在线翻译

1. During the campaign she would give a standard 45 minute stump speech, which she wrote herself and delivered without notes.

2. stump的反义词

2. " Every single stump speech began and ended with speaking about fair trade, " Schuler said of his campaign in a North Carolina district heavily dependent on textiles.

3. Along this road stands a log pavilion warehousing the stump of the enormous camphor tree that was carved into Chairman Mao Zedong's coffin.

4. The saying is based on the story of a farmer who saw a rabbit kill itself by crashing onto a tree stump.

5. Even for a crowd of old friends unimpressed by his celebrity, the former president's seemingly offhand stump speech does not disappoint.

6. If you've ever dreamed of becoming a true blue stump jumper, then they may sponsor you to join their team.

7. stump什么意思

7. Stump won the sporting group at Westminster in 2004, then went into retirement.

8. In the spring of the following year, a fragrant aroma wafted from the tree stump into the nostrils of Du Kang.

9. stump在线翻译

9. Contributors greet her privately before she allows the press in for her stump speech.

10. She speculates that in many ways the English language represents the tree that has been reduced to a stump.

stump 英英释义



1. a platform raised above the surrounding level to give prominence to the person on it

    Synonym: dais podium pulpit rostrum ambo soapbox

2. (cricket) any of three upright wooden posts that form the wicket

3. the part of a limb or tooth that remains after the rest is removed

4. the base part of a tree that remains standing after the tree has been felled

    Synonym: tree stump


1. remove tree stumps from

    e.g. stump a field

2. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

2. cause to be perplexed or confounded

    e.g. This problem stumped her

    Synonym: mix up

3. stump

3. travel through a district and make political speeches

    e.g. the candidate stumped the Northeast

4. walk heavily

    e.g. The men stomped through the snow in their heavy boots

    Synonym: stomp stamp