
stun [stʌn]  [stʌn] 








stun 基本解释


及物动词击晕,使昏厥; 使震聋; 使目瞪口呆; 使大吃一惊


stun 相关例句



1. He was stunned by the sudden news.

2. The fall had stunned him.

3. We were all stunned by the news.

stun 网络解释


1. 晕眩:脱离晕眩(Stun)状态 当人狼在一回合中受到超过[耐力]值的伤害阶段时,就会陷入晕眩状态而丧失下一回合的行动权. 若使用一点业怒值则可立刻脱离晕眩状态. ?起死回生 当人狼的负伤阶段降到<行动不能>以下,

2. 昏迷:这是2种效果,昏迷(Stun)和睡眠(Sleep). 当一个玩家在昏迷中,他失去对角色的控制并且可以在昏厥时受到伤害. 当一个玩家在睡眠中,他同样失去对角色的控制但是如果受到攻击就会回复过来. 盗贼的凿击和闷棍被视为导致睡眠的技能,

3. 击昏:在30级以前,野蛮人只能找把好武器,然后用重击(bash),击昏(stun)和跳跃攻击(leap attack)攻击. 但等到了30级,往旋风上投入第一个技能点后,就开始了一帆风顺的旅程,不过要小心那些施放了攻击反啮的恐怖巫师. 如果你被诅咒中了攻击反啮,

4. 击晕:注入圣骑士公正之魂30秒,使得你的近战攻击有机会击晕(stun)敌人2秒. 每个圣骑士同时只能激活一种圣印. 释放圣印的能量来审判敌人,防止敌人逃跑并限制他们的移动速度. 你的每次近程攻击都会重置法术的有效时间.

5. stun:serial tunnel; 序列隧道

stun 词典解释

1. 使震惊;使目瞪口呆;使惊愕
    If you are stunned by something, you are extremely shocked or surprised by it and are therefore unable to speak or do anything.

    e.g. Many cinema-goers were stunned by the film's violent and tragic end.

When they told me she had gone missing I was totally stunned...
His announcement did not produce any immediate cheers, only a stunned silence while the words sank in.

2. 使昏迷;使眩晕;打昏
    If something such as a blow on the head stuns you, it makes you unconscious or confused and unsteady.

    e.g. Sam stood his ground and got a blow that stunned him.

3. see also: stunning

stun 单语例句

1. Child services workers are investigating the incident, but attorney Adam Streisand said the stun gun was confiscated before any harm was done.

2. The company says the new device is particularly aimed at women - with red, pink and even leopard print designs intended to make carrying a stun gun fashionable.

3. Elsewhere, security personnel used stun guns and pepper spray to control frenzied or disorderly shoppers.

4. 911查询·英语单词

4. Soldiers threw stun grenades and chased and dragged villagers down an embankment.

5. stun

5. Poachers lace the park with snares and also use torches at night to stun animals.

6. It is not the first time for Chinese students to stun the world with exceptionally high SAT scores.

7. The orangutan was finally subdued when an official shot him in the upper body with a stun gun.

8. stun的解释

8. Known as Dazu Rock Carvings, this UNESCO World Heritage site never fails to stun visitors.

9. Before the operation, police had said militants in both strongholds had hoarded firebombs and stun grenades.

10. stun

10. The resident returned to the house from his back shed, and was allegedly threatened with an electronic stun gun.

stun 英英释义



1. stun什么意思

1. make senseless or dizzy by or as if by a blow

    e.g. stun fish

    Synonym: stupefy

2. hit something or somebody as if with a sandbag

    Synonym: sandbag

3. overcome as with astonishment or disbelief

    e.g. The news stunned her

    Synonym: bedaze daze