
stupa ['stu:pə]  ['stu:pə] 


stupa 基本解释
stupa 网络解释

1. 佛塔:在佛祖去世之后不久,马上在佛祖圣骨之上建造了佛塔(stupa). 阿育王(Asoka)把从其原初掩埋处出土的佛祖圣骨分散到印度各地并为这些圣骨建造了佛塔. 菩萨之树(the Bodhi Three),一种印度萻提树(papal),

2. 舍利塔:而其舍利瓶为加尔各答博物馆保管. 一九五八年从毗舍离故地所掘出的舍利瓶上没有碑文,但仍被判定是佛陀遗骨. 可见<<涅盘经>>「八王分骨」的记载是历史的事实. 于是这些舍利塔(stupa)受仰慕佛陀的人所礼拜,为后来佛塔信仰盛行的滥觞.

3. 窣堵波:是故整体体积造型有如一座角锥形或圆锥形,这便犹如印度早期的佛塔--窣堵波(stupa)的覆钵造型,也就是金字塔型,而十三世纪的菩提迦耶的金刚宝座塔,也是此造型的延续.

4. 灵塔:Soul yak 魂牛l | Stupa 灵塔p | Sutra Chanting Hall 大经堂a

stupa 单语例句

1. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

1. In a way the coming of the Sanchi stupa to China is a continuation of the Buddha's first journey to the Middle Kingdom.

2. stupa的意思

2. It is a replica of the Sanchi stupa, the most famous Buddhist shrine in India.

3. By the spring is a stupa which stands at the highest point in the temple complex.

stupa 英英释义



1. a dome-shaped shrine erected by Buddhists

    Synonym: tope