
stymie [ˈstaɪmi]  [ˈstaɪmi] 






stymie 基本解释

名词<高尔夫> 妨碍球; 困难的处境


stymie 网络解释

1. 阻碍球:stunt阻碍 | stymie阻碍球 | sublime崇高的a

2. 妨碍,阻挠:stigma 耻辱,污名,烙印 | stymie 妨碍,阻挠 | disgrace 失宠,耻辱,丢脸

3. [高尔夫] 妨碍球/妨碍/困境:stymatosis /出血性阴茎异常勃起/ | stymie /[高尔夫] 妨碍球/妨碍/困境/ | styptic /收敛性的/止血的/止血剂/

stymie 词典解释

1. 妨碍;阻挠;阻碍
    If you are stymied by something, you find it very difficult to take action or to continue what you are doing.

    e.g. Companies have been stymied by the length of time it takes to reach an agreement...
    e.g. Relief efforts have been stymied in recent weeks by armed gunmen.

stymie 单语例句

1. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

1. The Democrats and smaller allies took control of parliament's less powerful upper house in 2007, allowing them to delay legislation and stymie policy implementation.

2. I think we should not encourage this kind of activity because it would waste precious social resources and stymie our creativity.

3. If Holmes is proven to be insane, it would stymie the Death Penalty verdict sought by family members.

4. It may reflect shared concern over increasingly nationalistic policies in major oil and gas producers that threaten to stymie investment and limit new supplies.

5. In the crucial central provinces with mixed ethnic and religious populations, enough Shiites and Kurds voted to stymie the Sunni bid to reject the constitution.

6. stymie

6. Under " one country " Hong Kong will inevitably become more Chinese, but won't stymie Hong Kong's cosmopolitan appeal.

7. The US will not do anything deliberately to stymie its economic growth.

stymie 英英释义



1. a thwarting and distressing situation

    Synonym: stymy

2. a situation in golf where an opponent's ball blocks the line between your ball and the hole

    Synonym: stymy


1. stymie的翻译

1. hinder or prevent the progress or accomplishment of

    e.g. His brother blocked him at every turn

    Synonym: obstruct blockade block hinder stymy embarrass