
submissions [səb'mɪʃnz]  [səb'mɪʃnz] 



submissions 基本解释
提交( submission的名词复数 );屈从;归顺;<律>向法官或陪审团提出的意见或论据;
submissions 网络解释


1. 提交:实例(Instances)是保存控件数据的 XML 模板;绑定(Bindings)关联控件到实例数据;提交(Submissions)定义实例数据发送到什么地方及如何发送. 实例数据可以保存为 XML 文件,也可以发送到服务器上. 切换到图 3. 模型设计器 的绑定(Binding)页签,

2. 送审事项:Example 例子: | SUBMISSIONS 送审事项 | CONTRACTUAL SUBMISSIONS 合约要求的送审事项

submissions 单语例句

1. Apart from inviting some established caricaturists to exhibit their works, the organizing committee is also calling for fresh submissions.

2. Thousands of submissions poured in to the magazine and Glamour narrowed them down to those most adaptable to a short film format.

3. submissions的意思

3. China Daily Hong Kong Edition reserves the right to edit submissions, for purposes of clarity or space.

4. Counsel for both sides have been given 21 days to make amendments on submissions.

5. submissions的翻译

5. There was a deluge of overseas submissions after the magazine invited entries for the second issue.

6. The Legislative Affairs Office of China's State Council has given the public ten days to make submissions on its draft regulations on paid vacation.

7. 911查询·英语单词

7. The plan took one year and nine months to draw up, during which public submissions were called for on two separate occasions.

8. Under the previous Emmy rules, the maximum episode length for submissions in that category was two hours.

9. Members of the public are invited to make submissions on the draft revision to the ministry via fax and email before September 12.

10. The five would have been the first Filipino witnesses to testify, after only a handful of 116 witnesses summoned gave written submissions.