


subsidiaries 基本解释
附属事物,附属机构,子公司( subsidiary的名词复数 );
subsidiaries 网络解释


1. 子公司:银行子公司(subsidiaries)不受此限制:阿拉巴马州; 加利福尼亚州; 哥伦比亚特区; 爱达荷州; 伊利诺斯州; 路易斯安那州; 密苏里州; 内布拉斯加州; 新罕布什尔州; 得克萨斯州; 佛蒙特州.

2. 下属公司:Sub-office 支公司 | Subsidiaries 下属公司 | Liaison Office 联络处

subsidiaries 单语例句

1. And China Post Logistics could double the business volume of its provincial subsidiaries.

2. subsidiaries是什么意思

2. The company will also buy out three subsidiaries of its parent company China Unicom Group.

3. subsidiaries的翻译

3. The tourism regulator is working on details to further open the market to foreign operators by lowering capital requirements and allowing subsidiaries.

4. Overseas subsidiaries of Chinese companies are also engaged in the competition to capture tourism income from the Chinese market.

5. The company and its subsidiaries have also proposed eight arbitration applications to the Arbitration Institute of the Stockholm Chamber of Commerce.

6. The company later settled a lawsuit naming it, several subsidiaries and Chief Executive Don Blankenship as defendants.

7. The Chinese Red Cross has opened a special account and telephone hotlines for donations, and mobilized its subsidiaries nationwide to solicit contributions.

8. subsidiaries的意思

8. The subsidiaries received notice of the pending lawsuit from the Guangdong Xinyi City People's Court on Saturday.

9. The company said in a statement it had urged its subsidiaries to halt short message services in a cleanup campaign.

10. The most effective way to improve the entire group especially the transparency and efficiency of conglomerate companies is listing all subsidiaries.