
substantiation [səbˌstænʃɪ'eɪʃn]  [səbˌstænʃɪˈeʃən] 

substantiation 基本解释

名词实体化; 证实,证明; 使实体化

substantiation 网络解释


1. 具体化; 实质化:substance of anthropogenic origin 源于人类活动的物质; 人为的物质 | substantiation 具体化; 实质化 | substantive convention 实质性公约

2. 证据:潜意识广告 subliminal advertising | 证据 substantiation | 证实 testimonials

3. 实体化:substantiate 实体化 | substantiation 实体化 | substantival 实词的

4. 证实;使具体化:substantial 物质的;真正的;基本上的;相当大的;实质性东西 | substantiation 证实;使具体化 | substantiator 证人

substantiation 单语例句

1. There have been no substantiation to the claim that he was in a coma for about half an hour.

substantiation 英英释义



1. the act of validating
    finding or testing the truth of something

    Synonym: validation proof

2. additional proof that something that was believed (some fact or hypothesis or theory) is correct

    e.g. fossils provided further confirmation of the evolutionary theory

    Synonym: confirmation verification check