
substratum [ˈsʌbstrɑ:təm]  [ˈsʌbstreɪtəm] 


substratum 基本解释



substratum 网络解释

1. 下层:众所周知从干涉(interference)反映显微镜研究培养中的细胞附着在下层(substratum)通过小脚型仿射离开在腹侧(ventral)的细胞或下层之间的空间或通道,因此细胞覆盖电极的阻搞,奖依赖于所施加的交流频率.

2. 基质:对存在本原的如上追寻,可以看作是试图在始基或基质(substratum)的层面达到存在的统一性1. 水、火、原子、气等元素尽管有本原程度上的不同(原子、气相对于水、火等似乎更为基本),但都属构成事物的质料,以质料为始基,意味着将物质元素视为宇宙之砖.

3. 基底:暂时性接触之片利共生:如有些动物以树为基底(substratum)作为掩藏爬高或筑巢之用.印头鱼暂时吸附於鲨鱼之腹部.又如磷沙蚕挖掘作成之u形管管口会躲藏蟹类.小鳗鱼常躲到海胡瓜(或称瓜参sea cucumber)之泄殖腔内.其他如拟态动物、腐

4. 底土, 下层土壤地基:tetraphenyl ethylene 四苯乙烯 | substratum 底土, 下层土壤地基 | independent retailer 独立经营的零售商

substratum 词典解释

1. 下层;底层;深层特征;隐性特质
    A substratum of something is a layer that lies under the surface of another layer, or a feature that is less obvious than other features.

    e.g. ...its deep substratum of chalk...
    e.g. His recreation of the city is credible, with a substratum of fact to bolster the fiction.

substratum 英英释义


1. an indigenous language that contributes features to the language of an invading people who impose their language on the indigenous population

    e.g. the Celtic languages of Britain are a substrate for English

    Synonym: substrate

2. any stratum or layer lying underneath another

    Synonym: substrate

3. substratum

3. a surface on which an organism grows or is attached

    e.g. the gardener talked about the proper substrate for acid-loving plants

    Synonym: substrate