
subtitle [ˈsʌbtaɪtl]  [ˈsʌbˌtaɪtl:] 


subtitle 基本解释

名词小标题,副标题; (电影的)字幕


subtitle 网络解释

1. 副标题:理解文章的整体结构需要我们对全文进行一个笼统的浏览,而浏览的内容包括文章的标题(title)、副标题(subtitle)、段落(paragraph)或部分(partorsection)的数目以及每个自然段的第一句和最后一句.

2. 字幕选择:[size=18]您好:本机器能支援DIVX 5.X 之前的版本,我测试过网路下载的SRT字幕机乎都可以挂上去,麻烦您把影片档名以及字幕档名 都弄一样而且用短一点,播放时如果没有字幕出现麻烦用小遥控器 按字幕选择(SUBtitle)试试看,谢谢!

3. 字幕;给......加字幕:dialogue 对白 | subtitle 字幕;给......加字幕 | credits;credit titles 对原作者及其他有贡献者的谢启及鸣谢者姓名

subtitle 词典解释

1. 副标题;小标题
    The subtitle of a piece of writing is a second title which is often longer and explains more than the main title.

    e.g. 'Kathleen' was, as its 1892 subtitle asserted, 'An Irish Drama'.
           正如 1892 年剧本的副标题所强调的,《凯瑟琳》是一部“爱尔兰戏剧”。

2. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

2. (外国电影的)字幕,对白译文
    Subtitles are a printed translation of the words of a foreign film that are shown at the bottom of the picture.

    e.g. The dialogue is in Spanish, with English subtitles.

subtitle 单语例句

1. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

1. Lian Si posed the question, " Whose era is it " as the subtitle of his new book.

2. She first took on the role of a subtitle translator for American dramas at a different subtitling team.

3. And we will provide new subtitle facilities, to show the translations of the musicals and plays.

4. Indeed, the best book about Penfolds wines would have the subtitle " the rewards of patience ".

subtitle 英英释义


1. secondary or explanatory title

2. translation of foreign dialogue of a movie or TV program
    usually displayed at the bottom of the screen

    Synonym: caption


1. subtitle在线翻译

1. supply (a movie) with subtitles