
subtle [ˈsʌtl]  [ˈsʌtl]




subtle 基本解释


形容词微妙的; 巧妙的; 敏感的; 狡猾的

subtle 同义词

形容词foxy thin clever tricky crafty underhanded faint cunning delicate sly fine shrewd

subtle 反义词


subtle 网络解释


1. 微妙的:事实上,<<民权法案>>的本意也反对那些微妙的(subtle)且经常属于无意识(unconscious)的偏见. 这些形式微妙的偏见是现在最流行的歧视类型. (47)雇主歧视行为的做出在很多场合可能出于无意识的观念,甚至有些差别对待是出于雇主的善良动机.

2. 狡猾的:利用操控的手法,通常是以较积极、狡猾的(subtle)企图的形式来控制别人,好促使别人趋向他;或者假装是脆弱的(fragile),让人得以接近. 这种类型的角色乃是以胁迫(intimidation)的方式来操控别人. 一般来说,

3. 精妙的:他从1937年起运用非对称的形状和精妙的(subtle)曲线为伊塔拉(Iittala)公司设计玻璃用品. 尽管参与了现代运动中,但他仍对传统的砖材料很敏感,他是现代形态温和的阐述者之一.

subtle 词典解释

1. 不易察觉的;不明显的;微妙的
    Something that is subtle is not immediately obvious or noticeable.

    e.g. ...the slow and subtle changes that take place in all living things...
    e.g. Intolerance can take subtler forms too.

The truth is subtly different...
We change subtly all the time.

2. 机智的;机巧的;狡猾的
    A subtle person cleverly uses indirect methods to achieve something.

    e.g. I even began to exploit him in subtle ways...
    e.g. He is a subtle character, you know.

What I've tried very subtly to do is to reclaim language.

3. subtle的意思

3. 清淡的;隐约的;柔和的
    Subtle smells, tastes, sounds, or colours are pleasantly complex and delicate.

    e.g. ...subtle shades of brown.
    e.g. ...delightfully subtle scents.

...a white sofa teamed with subtly coloured rugs.
subtle 单语例句

1. subtle

1. Britney Spears is a " very subtle "'X Factor'judge.

2. Her elegant and subtle design of a butterfly added a surprising touch to a fetching evening dress.

3. 911查询·英语单词

3. By contrast, the amateurs'ignorance keeps them from exploring subtle byways.

4. Some of the prints are subtle and " whisper " the message such as Good Charlotte's design, which includes a young couple under a red umbrella.

5. That daytime decline was subtle, and the people's circadian rhythms provided a bit of rescue.

6. His passion for rural life enabled him to observe the subtle changes of nature and farmers'everyday life in a peaceful circumstance.

7. A subtle wine, its fresh nose opens with citrus peel notes and light floral tones.

8. But Cloudy doesn't come close to Up's level of subtle emotional detail and incisiveness.

9. subtle的近义词

9. The starkly different materials so coherently combined create a subtle reminder of China's rapid transformation in recent decades.

10. And the love between the young couple is as mild and subtle as the color and taste of longjing tea.

subtle 英英释义


1. working or spreading in a hidden and usually injurious way

    e.g. glaucoma is an insidious disease
           a subtle poison

    Synonym: insidious pernicious

2. difficult to detect or grasp by the mind or analyze

    e.g. his whole attitude had undergone a subtle change
           a subtle difference
           that elusive thing the soul

    Synonym: elusive

3. able to make fine distinctions

    e.g. a subtle mind