
suburban [səˈbɜ:bən]  [səˈbɜ:rbən] 

suburban 基本解释

形容词城郊的,在郊区的,城郊住宅区的; 土气的; 见闻不广的


suburban 网络解释


1. 巨无霸:雪佛兰巨无霸(Suburban)报价本页是315che为您提供的雪佛兰巨无霸(Suburban)报价的最新信息,包括巨无霸(Suburban)汽车报价,巨无霸(Suburban)经销商报价,巨无霸(Suburban)官方指导价,巨无霸(Suburban)各地行情,巨无霸(Suburban)最新优惠促销等信息,

2. 城郊:如果再连上城郊(suburban)如905地区,10月份房屋售价为336,049元,比去年同期跌 8%. 多伦多地产局主席奥尼尔女士(Maureen O'Neil)表示,消费者信心对房地产市场的发展至关重要. 因本地媒体对美国经济和地产业陷入衰退的大量报道,

3. 郊区居民:Subaru 速霸陆 | Suburban 郊区居民 | Sunbird 太阳鸟

suburban 词典解释

1. 郊区的;城外的
    Suburban means relating to a suburb.

    e.g. ...a comfortable suburban home.
    e.g. ...a suburban shopping centre in Sydney.

2. 平淡乏味的;呆板的;传统的
    If you describe something as suburban, you mean that it is dull and conventional.

    e.g. His clothes are conservative and suburban.
    e.g. ...ghastly good taste and suburban gentility.

suburban 单语例句

1. The Obama campaign's strategy largely relies on a strong performance in cities and suburban areas to make up for any falloff elsewhere in Ohio.

2. suburban的意思

2. The final name list of volunteers was announced on Sunday at a camping site in suburban Beijing.

3. About 500 people attending a candlelight protest in suburban Quezon City snarled traffic by burning tires.

4. Some old hutongs are more advanced in the environmental movement than their suburban, middle class counterparts and perhaps also more careful than many industries.

5. suburban

5. A sheriff's spokesman said the casket has been moved to a secure room at a suburban sheriff's facility.

6. North Caucasus Railways said suburban train traffic was suspended due to the blast, but passenger trains continued operation without delays.

7. Zhang also disclosed that the government would try to channel the downtown work force to suburban areas through fostering new industries and public services.

8. The clandestine exchanges began when Woodward went to Felt's home in suburban Virginia one night after failing to reach him by telephone.


9. The building occupied an area on which a commercial center of the suburban district was planned.


10. BMW car owners were from many walks of life, but they had a common purpose - to care for suburban students.

suburban 英英释义


1. 911查询·英语单词

1. relating to or characteristic of or situated in suburbs

    e.g. suburban population