such as

such as [sʌtʃ æz]  [sʌtʃ æz] 

such as 基本解释

诸如; 像, 例如; 譬如

such as 情景对话

such as的反义词


A:Do you cut both men’s and women’s hair?

C:Yes, we have various styles, such as hair bobbed and shoulder length hair. How do you want it?

A:I want a haircut and a shave, please.

B:I would like a shampoo and my hair dyed.

C:What shampoo do you prefer? And what color do you prefer?

C:How would you like your hair cut, sir?

A:I want to keep the same fashion.

B:I want my hair dyed black.

C:All right. Will you please sit over here?

In Labor-(生小孩)

A:My wife is in labor!

B:Here, Ma’am please get on the stretcher.

A:Is Doctor Hawkins here? She’s our doctor. We called her from the car.

B:Calm down, sir. We’ll call her to make sure she’s on the way.

A:Thanks. Sorry. It just came as such a surprise. The baby isn’t due for another two weeks.

B:How long has she been in labor?

A:About fifteen minutes.

B:O.K. Are you planning on being in the delivery room sir?


B:Please follow the nurse. She’ll get you ready.


A:What did you think of the food?

B:It was delicious. I especially liked the garlic mashed potatoes.

A:You’re right, those were fantastic.

B:Did you like your food?

A:I was a bit disappointed in my main course, actually. The sauce was too rich.

B:How about the dessert?

A:That was the best chocolate mousse I’d ever eaten! I might go back there just for that next time!

B:The service was pretty good, too, wasn’t it?

A:Yes, they were very attentive. My glass was always full.

B:I liked the atmosphere. It was nice to eat in a quiet restaurant.

A:What did you think of the jazz ensemble that was there?

B:You know, I think they were the same ones who play at Aria on Friday nights.
      你知道吗,我觉得他们就是每周五晚上在Aria 演出的那个乐团。

A:I think you’re right. I really like the female singer. She has such a mesmerizing voice.

B:Not as mesmerizing as yours!

such as 网络解释

1. 比如:假设(suppose):现在要折腾一个大工程(a great project),比如(such as)三峡大坝(the Three Gorges Dam). 这种project可不是过家家,说过就过,动手之前要论证其可行性(feasibility). 于是(Consequently),正反双方粉墨登场.

2. 例如,诸如:step by step 逐步地 | such as 例如,诸如 | thanks to 由于,多亏

such as 单语例句

1. Other economic indicators such as electricity consumption and shipping rates are also climbing, reflecting stronger business activity.

2. Such things need to be corrected, as environmental columnists in every Chinese language business publication have been seeking.

3. And it should continue taking steps to encourage individual entrepreneurs in their business operations, as it is often such people who play an important role in creating jobs.

4. Such frustrations were quite common and troubling for many Chinese businesses, but Xu began to see them as a business opportunity.

5. 911查询·英语单词

5. The coalition is an international organization that mobilizes business communities to fight diseases such as TB globally.

6. While such gift giving is considered general business practice in China, it can be viewed as a bribe in other countries.

7. While distracting topics such as cybersecurity may continue to make the headlines, trade and economic relations remain the business to attend to.

8. such as

8. The network support management system includes features such as a data collection and management platform, comprehensive business monitoring and report management.

9. such as的翻译

9. Many of them are diversifying their business scope and gathering momentum to make an impact on other industries such as finance and manufacturing.

10. He urged the government to provide more support for SMEs through financing and tax means, such as waiving the business tax on the service sector.