suck up

suck up [sʌk ʌp]  [sʌk ʌp] 

suck up 基本解释

suck up

吸收; 巴结; 奉承; 拍马屁

suck up 相关例句

suck up什么意思


1. He can suck up as much information as you can give him.

suck up 网络解释

1. 拍马屁:Interact相互影响 | Suck up拍马屁 | Rip撕坏

2. 吸收:instability n.不稳定, 不稳固 | demolish vt.摧毁; 推翻; 拆毁(尤指大建筑物) | suck up 吸收

3. 奉承者:suck 吸 | suck-up 奉承者 | sucker 乳儿

4. 吸收,吸出,吸起:suck v.吸,吸收 | suck up 吸收,吸出,吸起 | sudden a.突然的

suck up 词典解释

1. 奉承;巴结;拍马屁
    You say that someone is sucking up to a person in authority when you do not like the fact that they are trying to please the person because of the person's position.

    e.g. She kept sucking up to the teachers, especially Mrs Clements.

suck up 单语例句

1. Air conditioners suck up 40 per cent of the total electricity consumption in the city in summer.

2. suck up的近义词

2. They are trying to suck us into the city and we haven't got enough ass up here to sustain this.

3. " You play through it and suck it up and get it done, " Woods said.

4. suck up的解释

4. Mobile phones use chips that generally do less than Intel's processors, but also suck up less power.

5. Globalization allowed the US to suck up the savings of the rest of the world and consume more than it produced.

6. Private equities will help suck up the surplus liquidity in the market.

suck up 英英释义

suck up的意思


1. try to gain favor by cringing or flattering

    e.g. He is always kowtowing to his boss

    Synonym: fawn toady truckle bootlick kowtow kotow

2. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

2. take in, also metaphorically

    e.g. The sponge absorbs water well
           She drew strength from the minister's words

    Synonym: absorb suck imbibe soak up sop up draw take in take up

3. suck up的近义词

3. ingratiate oneself to
    often with insincere behavior

    e.g. She is playing up to the chairman

    Synonym: cozy up cotton up shine up play up sidle up