
suffice [səˈfaɪs]  [səˈfaɪs]





suffice 基本解释


不及物动词足够; 有能力

及物动词满足…的需要; 使满足

suffice 相关例句


1. Some bread and soup will suffice me.


1. Her income suffices for her needs.

suffice 网络解释


1. 足够,使满足:sacrifice 牺牲的行为,损失,携牲,献祭 | suffice 足够,使满足 | sufficient 足够,充分的

2. 满足:succinct简明的 | suffice满足 | sulky生气的

3. 足够 有能力 使满足:401.sterile 灭活 杀菌 消过毒的 无菌的 | 402.suffice 足够 有能力 使满足 | 403.chlorite 亚氯酸盐

4. 足够:exclusivity 出外,独占,非公开 | suffice 足够 | gadget 机械的

suffice 词典解释

1. 足够;充足
    If you say that something will suffice, you mean it will be enough to achieve a purpose or to fulfil a need.

    e.g. A cover letter should never exceed one page; often a far shorter letter will suffice.

2. (用于句首)无须多说,只需说…就够了
    Suffice it to say or suffice to say is used at the beginning of a statement to indicate that what you are saying is obvious, or that you will only give a short explanation.

    e.g. Suffice it to say that afterwards we never met again...
    e.g. Suffice to say, it was more than a couple of years ago!

suffice 单语例句

1. Suffice to say, they are forced to chart their CSR course within a very complex and dynamic environment.

2. The source also warned Minsk's possible siphoning off Russian crude oil deliveries to Europe, given the fact that Belarusian crude reserves merely suffice for another week.

3. But they obviously do not suffice to counter the temptation of the easy money and fame obtained with the help of steroids.

4. The fact that India has so many parks and greenery in Delhi is worth appreciating yet does not suffice the insufficiencies that these parks hold.

5. suffice的反义词

5. Spain's players say that halting Cristiano Ronaldo will not suffice if they are to overcome Iberian rival Portugal in Wednesday's Euro 2012 semifinal.

6. Now nothing short of gold at next year's Vancouver Olympics will suffice as she continues her upward trajectory at the sport.

7. suffice的翻译

7. But public sector measures will not suffice unless the incentives are right in the private sector.

8. Suffice it to say they aren't used to prune the spring roses.

9. You do not need to wear your trail shoes as a good pair of quality running shoes should suffice.


10. Suffice it to say it's not Santa Claus with his red coat and red trousers.

suffice 英英释义


1. be sufficient
    be adequate, either in quality or quantity

    e.g. A few words would answer
           This car suits my purpose well
           Will $100 do?
           A 'B' grade doesn't suffice to get me into medical school
           Nothing else will serve

    Synonym: do answer serve