
suffocated ['sʌfəkeɪtɪd]  ['sʌfəkeɪtɪd] 




suffocated 基本解释
憋气;窒息而死( suffocate的过去式和过去分词 );闷死;让人感觉闷热;
suffocated 网络解释

1. 窒息:点击收听橡胶唱针(RPN)的最新歌曲点击收听窒息(suffocated)的最新歌曲点击收听何嘉(harry ho)的最新歌曲

suffocated 单语例句

1. Investigators said the miners were suffocated by carbon dioxide because the miners opened an obturated room while working in the tunnels.

2. suffocated的近义词

2. The circular came shortly after two kids were inadvertently left inside their shuttle buses and suffocated to death amid high temperatures.

3. Wang eventually confessed he suffocated her to death and later inserted pesticide in her mouth to conceal his crime.

4. In Elizabethan England, a pair of eels suffocated in wine was touted as the trick.

5. The long centuries of theocratic rule and feudal serfdom suffocated the vitality of Tibetan society and led to the decline of Tibetan culture.

6. Pan was believed to be suffocated to death by toxic, dense smoke despite his attempt to escape the building caught by fire.

7. She reportedly suffocated when her scarf was caught in the wheel of a kart operating with a motor of about eight or nine horsepower.

8. Six miners suffocated to death by the fumes and 15 were injured.

9. suffocated

9. She stabbed the girl several times with a knife and then suffocated her to death by tightly pressing a pillow over her face.

10. Six maintenance staff suffocated while working in a mining pit of the company Sunday.