

sullenness 基本解释
sullenness 网络解释


1. (正确,表面爱笑就是会装开心,其实总是很矛盾):Resists suggestions from others (还好,看是谁建议了) | Sarcasm (完全正确) | Sullenness (正确,表面爱笑就是会装开心,其实总是很矛盾).

2. 闷闷不乐:164splutter激动杂乱的说 | 165sullenness闷闷不乐 | 166silkily如丝地

3. 不高兴, 阴沉 (名):sullenly 不高兴地; 阴沉地 (副) | sullenness 不高兴, 阴沉 (名) | sully 弄脏; 使丢脸; 玷污 (动)

sullenness 双语例句


1. You leave them, it is with a failing that they can do just as will witkout you. This is not sullenness nor indifference, nor absence of mind; but they are intent solely on their own thoughts and you are merely one of the subjectsthey exercise them upon, they live in society as in a solitude.

2. But I needed none of all this Precaution; for never Man had a more faithful, loving, sincere Servant, than Friday was to me; without Passions, Sullenness or Designs, perfectly oblig'd and engag'd; his very Affections were ty'd to me, like those of a Child to a Father; and I dare say, he would have sacrific'd his Life for the saving mine, upon any occasion whatsoever; the many Testimonies he gave me of this, put it out of doubt, and soon convinc'd me, that I needed to use no Precautions, as to my Safety on his Account.


3. An emotional state characterized by sullenness and outbreaks of violent anger, is believed to arise from black bile.


4. For they are wont to revile the English, with a want of Familiarity; with a melancholy Dumpishness; with Slowness, Silence, and with the unrefin'd Sullenness of their Behaviour.


5. He, thus, could not suppress his sadness and sullenness at the thought of all this.

6. An expression that shows sullenness or which is suggestive of any other breed is entirely foreign.


7. After about 1990, though, the smiles have changed to a closed-mouth sullenness.
    然而,大约从1990 年以来,笑脸变成双唇紧闭的阴郁面容。


8. After returning to home, he sank into sullenness for three days, willing to go nowhere.

9. It is they who rebuke most impressively the sullenness, the ingratitude, the discontent with which many good gifts of God are received.

10. We sensibly gave him wide berth, for he was a dangerous-looking man, chewing a toothpick with the arrogant sullenness of one who is willing to commit violence.

11. His bluster sank to sullenness under her look. With the first rays of light of the early morning the wooden fencing which lines the route is closed off.

12. Victoria tolerated her husband's sullenness.

sullenness 英英释义



1. a sullen moody resentful disposition

    Synonym: sulkiness moroseness sourness

2. a gloomy ill-tempered feeling

    Synonym: moroseness glumness