summer begins

summer begins

summer begins 基本解释
summer begins 网络解释

1. 立夏:北仑区幼论坛's Archiver 北仑区幼论坛 大五班 今天是立夏 天天baby 发表立夏-农历 立夏(summer begins) 每年5月5日或6日,太阳到达黄经45°为水稻栽插以及其他春播作物的管理也进入了大忙季节.

2. 夏满芒夏暑相连: 立夏:谷雨 Grain rain. | 夏满芒夏暑相连: 立夏 Summer begins. | 小满 Grain buds.

summer begins 单语例句

1. When spring and summer arrive and the good weather begins, females start putting away their warm clothes and start shopping for the latest seasonal fashions.


2. The summer vacation in the US begins in late May, a peak time when students overseas return home.

3. summer begins的近义词

3. The mild, moist weather as summer begins has allowed the government to continue planting.

4. Many students take arts and sports classes or get involved in other social activities as summer vacation begins.

5. The Guangdong provincial health department called for tight prevention and control measures among students before summer vacation begins.