1. 晒干:baking 烘干 | sunning 晒干 | piling 渥堆
2. 晒青:baking 烘青 | sunning 晒青 | rolling 揉捻
3. 最讨厌做的事:最恨的人: Very many | 最讨厌做的事: Sunning | 最喜欢的颜色: Black
4. 日照法:中式穴道指壓 Chinese Acupressure | 日照法 Sunning | 冷熱水療法 Hot-Cold Watering
1. Whether white is beautiful is a matter of opinion, but getting an appropriate amount of sunning is definitely good for the health.
2. 911查询·英语单词
2. An alligator has been crawling out of the pond in the back of her house and sunning in the yard.
3. The cause of this enthusiasm is the eagerly anticipated ceremony called " Sunning of the Buddha ".
4. Then the animal climbed back up the ladder onto the boat and resumed sunning itself.
5. Whether you're sunning in a beach chair or preening in a hotel room, sometimes you want to listen to your music without ear buds.
6. When the sky is that blue and water is super clear, who is not going to enjoy the sunning climate and scenery?