
sunshine [ˈsʌnʃaɪn]  [ˈsʌnˌʃaɪn] 

sunshine 基本解释

名词阳光,日光; 晴朗,晴天; 太阳晒着的地方; 欢乐

sunshine 相关例句



1. The child has brought sunshine into the old couple's life.(= made them happy).

2. She sat in the garden enjoying the sunshine.

3. She is the sunshine of the house.

4. The children played in the sunshine.

sunshine 网络解释


1. 日照:亚热带地区所用砧木为D6和日照(Sunshine). 近年来,日本梨的栽植数量也在增加,品种主要是二十世纪,约占日本梨总株数的90%以上,其次是丰水、幸水和新水. 温带地区的日本梨主要用D6和榅桲A作砧木,亚热带地区则用D6和杜梨作砧木.

2. 阳光情人:想看大师级的电影,我隆重推荐如下:我好莱坞挚友出品的<<飞行者>>(TheAviator),<<纽约黑榜>>(Gangsof New York),<<阳光情人>>,(Sunshine)电视连续剧<<罗马>>(Rome),想看美轮美奂的服装,道具和美术,是如何和剧情结合的,

sunshine 词典解释


1. 阳光;日光
    Sunshine is the light and heat that comes from the sun.

    e.g. In the marina yachts sparkle in the sunshine...
    e.g. She was sitting outside a cafe in bright sunshine...

sunshine 单语例句

1. Temperatures may have jumped to - 15 C from the low of - 30 C this winter, and sunshine has melted some snow on the roofs.

2. Brown arrived by helicopter at Camp David after booming thunderstorms gave way to sunshine.

3. Old people play mahjong in the sunshine, while carefree kids run across the cobblestone roads.

4. sunshine什么意思

4. Sweet dreams wafting through your mind until the first rays of sunshine caress your face.

5. But it was my first time riding a Panga boat and the weather was perfect with sunshine gently caressing the vessel.

6. Farmers often feel they need a lot of sunshine to produce a good crop.

7. The Sunshine Community Correction Service Center provides psychological counseling, training in job skills and initially an allowance that probationers need to survive.

8. She stepped out into the sunshine and into the rear passenger seat of the BMW as the chauffeur started the engine.

9. The spring sunshine is yet to arrive in chilly Beijing, but golf enthusiasts are too eager to wait until the grass turns green.


10. Thousands of Shandong Province locals flock to the beach city for some sunshine, beer and Qingdao's famous local dish of spicy clams.

sunshine 英英释义


1. sunshine是什么意思

1. the quality of being cheerful and dispelling gloom

    e.g. flowers added a note of cheerfulness to the drab room

    Synonym: cheerfulness cheer sunniness


2. moderate weather
    suitable for outdoor activities

    Synonym: fair weather temperateness

3. the rays of the sun

    e.g. the shingles were weathered by the sun and wind

    Synonym: sunlight sun