1. 表面性事物:superficial 表面的 | superficiality 表面性事物 | superficially 浅薄地
2. 表面性:superfemale 过度女性化 | superficiality 表面性 | superficies 表面
3. 表面性的事物:superfiche 超微胶片 | superficiality 表面性的事物 | superficialitysuperficialness 肤浅
4. 表面性的事物/肤浅/浅薄:superfiche /超微胶片/ | superficiality /表面性的事物/肤浅/浅薄/ | superficially /从表面上看/
1. It's especially hard as a foreigner to get over this superficiality.
1. lack of depth of knowledge or thought or feeling
Synonym: shallowness
2. shallowness in terms of affecting only surface layers of something
e.g. he ignored the wound because of its superficiality