
surging ['sɜ:dʒɪŋ]  ['sɜ:dʒɪŋ] 





surging 基本解释
浪涌,冲击;汹涌( surge的现在分词 );蜂拥而出;使强烈地感到;
surging 网络解释

1. 涌:70%,以免发生涌 (Surging)现象. Neuron Network)又名 经网 ( Neural Network )经细胞(Artificial Neuron)所组成,用 仿效生物图4所示为倒传递 经网 (BPNN)是当今应用入及输出,训 过程分为学习(Learning)及回想δj为输出层第j个 经元的差距 ,而(Tj-Yj)为目标

2. 脉动:[摘要]随着窑体转速的提高,物料在窑内所经历的运动形式也不同,主要经历滑移(sliding)、脉动(surging)、塌落(slumping)、滚落(rolling)、泻落(cascading)、抛落(cataracting)和离心运动(centrifuging),但就煅烧质量而言,

3. 波震:有关海事重柴油主机之涡轮增压机(turbocharger)发生波震(surging)之主要原因应是:(A)排气温度过高、(B)燃油雾化不良、(C)空气过滤器之滤网污秽、(D)排气总管泄漏.

4. 波动:surface check 表面裂痕 | surging 波动 | torsion 扭曲

surging 单语例句

1. Despite the government control, illegal production remains active for fat profits from surging rare earth prices.

2. Rising capacity and surging exports have kept production in China expanding at more than 16 percent each month since April.

3. The company announced in November it plans to raise 18 billion yuan through a rights offer to replenish capital depleted by surging loan growth.

4. China wants to build the OTC equities market as a supplement to its stock exchanges, which have seen their total capitalization surging in recent years.

5. NDP Chairwoman Cheung Yan did not comment on market estimation toward the company's surging costs and squeezing margins.

6. During the Expo's soft opening on April 20, surging crowds caused the temporary closure of several pavilions and paralyzed the security checking system.

7. surging的近义词

7. That sent the cost of credit surging, hurting the economy by choking off money to consumers and companies.

8. The United States will see declining government spending and surging tax burdens in what is called a fiscal cliff early next year.

9. Zhang said the surging energy demand and the government decision to close down small collieries would still keep supply tight to meet demand.

10. Traders said surging electricity demands in coastal regions of South and East China have encouraged demands for fuel oil among small power plants.

surging 英英释义


1. characterized by great swelling waves or surges

    e.g. billowy storm clouds
           the restless billowing sea
           surging waves

    Synonym: billowy billowing(a)