
surtax [ˈsɜ:tæks]  [ˈsɜ:rtæks] 








surtax 基本解释



surtax 网络解释

1. 附加税:2)增课附加税 (Surtax) 於高所得的富人. e.延伸能源回收 (Renewable Energy) 税贷 (30%). 风能至2012,其他如阳能、地热、生化、...,2013. a.别错过大拍卖 (Auction) 的机会 - 房地产、汽车、出清存货、关门大吉、旅游娱乐、...a.提高孩提税贷 ($2,

2. 超额累进税:3283.业主 owner | 3284.超额累进税 surtax | 3285.比例税 proportional tax

3. 超额税:surmount 登上 | surtax 超额税 | surprint 加印于...之上

4. 附加税 surtax 附加税:3644 1 surrender value 退保金,抵借价值 surrender value 退保金,抵借价值 | 3645 1 surtax 附加税 surtax 附加税 | 3646 1 surviving company 承替公司,接办公司 surviving company 承替公司,接办公司

surtax 双语例句


1. There is no need to pay Business Tax and Surtax es when monthly rent is less than 5000 yuan.


2. The social insurance surtax levied from the flow tax is...


3. If you want to pay federal taxes of more than $ 12, 500, more than $ 12, 500 in tax to pay 5% of drugs federal surtax.

4. Some developed countries would impose import surtax on products that may cause pollution or harms to the environment.


5. I think a 5% sales tax and 4% surtax is unscientific, the effect of the transaction tax as Hangzhou: reducing supply, pushing up prices.


6. Charged Washington today with violating the rules of the trading agreement with its l5 percent surtax on imports.

7. Under the pressure of the Powers Beijing Government at last gave up the order that the Customs levy the Surtax, but the dismissal of Aglen was unchangeable.


8. As a result, the Customs relied heavily on the Powers'China policies. After "the May 30 Incident", especially after the Northern Expedition, the Powers changed their China policies. Facing the rise of Chinese Nationalism, they refrained from using force in China. The Customs then lost its old base. In the second half of 1926, the Canton Government took the lead to levy the Customs Surtax, which put F. Aglen, the Inspector General of the Customs, in disadvantage.

9. As for enterprises with good projects of great input and output, then during production and management they can enjoy preferential policies of value-added tax, surtax business tax, and enterprise income tax, etc.

10. The legislature passed a law to aBolish the surtax.


11. The social insurance surtax levied from the flow tax is regarded as a effective way for floating the fund on social endowment.

12. The vehicle purchase tax is derived from vehicle purchase surtax.

13. The vehicle purchase tax has been normally levied in out country from January 1, 2001, substituting for vehicle purchase surtax carried out for l5 years.

14. The revised law was expected to raise $ 2.5 billion through a surtax on businesses with annual incomes over $ 2 million; Have you studied the alterations to the taxation law?

15. Among the total educational input, the financial allocations may account for about 60%, the impose educational surtax may account for 15%, the tuition and incidental expenses may account for about 15%, and other expenses may account for about 10%.


16. However, the Beijing Government threw Aglen into greater difficulties by ordering the Customs to levy the Surtax in fear of the robbery of Surtax proceeds by local warlords.

17. In the second half of 1926, the Canton Government took the lead to levy the Customs Surtax, which put F. Aglen, the Inspector General of the Customs, in disadvantage.


18. Local surtax on corporate income tax (Derrama);

19. In accordance with the provisions of the State Council, the local people's governments at various levels shall levy a surtax for education, which shall be used mainly for compulsory education.

20. The taxman taxed his strength in order to levy surtax on the waxworks.

surtax 词典解释


1. (对超过一定金额的收入征收的)附加税
    Surtax is an additional tax on incomes higher than the level at which ordinary tax is paid.

    e.g. ...a 10% surtax for Americans earning more than $250,000 a year.
           对于年收入在 25 万美元以上的美国人征收的 10%的附加税

surtax 单语例句

1. It may also impose a punitive surtax on those whose vehicles do not meet the national standard on limits of fuel consumption.

surtax 英英释义


1. an additional tax on certain kinds of income that has already been taxed

    Synonym: supertax


1. surtax

1. levy an extra tax on

    e.g. surtax luxury items that cost more than $1,000