
survey [ˈsɜ:veɪ]  [ˈsɜ:rveɪ] 







survey 基本解释



及物动词调查; 勘测; 俯瞰

名词调查(表),调查所,测量,测量部,测量图; 概观,检查,鉴定书; 环顾

survey 相关例句



1. I'll have to get the house surveyed first, before I can make you an offer.

2. Have the house surveyed before you offer to buy it.


1. According to a recent survey, in Shanghai alone there are more than 2.5 million migrant workers.

2. A recent survey of public opinion showed that most people were worried about the increasing crimes.

3. A survey of world history is one of the courses offered this semester.

survey 网络解释


1. 测量:MAPSUITE+是一个真正的基于CAD的windows软件,它是特别为勘测、绘图和土木工程部门而设计的. 它包括了4个核心模块:基础(Foundation), 测量(Survey), 土木工程&设计(Earthworks & Design),和网络调整模块(Network Adjustment)

2. 测量图:Cristien说,张太太与其邻居应根据购买房屋时的土地测量图(Survey)来决定后院的边界线. 土地测量图是一份购买房屋都应具备的文档,具体规划了你所购买的房产边界线. 土地测量图是一份国家律法文档,是土地测量员规划的,

survey 词典解释
The noun is pronounced /'səːveɪ/. The verb is pronounced /sə'veɪ/, and can also be pronounced /'səːveɪ/ in meanings 2 and 6. 名词读作 /'səːveɪ/。动词读作 /sə'veɪ/。义项2和义项5亦可读作 /'səːveɪ/。

1. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

1. 调查;民意调查;民意测验
    If you carry out a survey, you try to find out detailed information about a lot of different people or things, usually by asking people a series of questions.

    e.g. The council conducted a survey of the uses to which farm buildings are put...
    e.g. According to the survey, overall world trade has also slackened.

2. 调查;对…作民意调查;对…进行民意测验
    If you survey a number of people, companies, or organizations, you try to find out information about their opinions or behaviour, usually by asking them a series of questions.

    e.g. Business Development Advisers surveyed 211 companies for the report...
           企业发展顾问公司为此报告调查了 211 家公司。
    e.g. Only 18 percent of those surveyed opposed the idea.
           被调查者中只有 18%的人反对该主张。

3. 总体研究;审视;全面观察
    If you survey something, you look at or consider the whole of it carefully.

    e.g. He pushed himself to his feet and surveyed the room...
    e.g. He surveys American politics with a conservative world view.

4. survey的反义词

4. 概览;概述
    If you give something a brief survey or a quick survey, you look at or consider all of it quickly, but not in detail.

    e.g. ...a brief survey of some important books on astrology...
    e.g. He sniffed the perfume she wore, then gave her a quick survey.

5. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

5. 测量;勘测;测绘
    If someone carries out a survey of an area of land, they examine it and measure it, usually in order to make a map of it.

    e.g. ...the organizer of the geological survey of India...
    e.g. The scientists conducted two aerial surveys followed by two ground surveys.

6. survey的近义词

6. 测量;勘测;测绘
    If someone surveys an area of land, they examine it and measure it, usually in order to make a map of it.

    e.g. Scarborough Council commissioned geological experts earlier this year to survey the cliffs.

surveying relating to astronomy, astrology, surveying and navigation.
...surveying equipment.

7. (通常指为欲购房者作的)房屋鉴定
    A survey is a careful examination of the condition and structure of a house, usually carried out in order to give information to a person who wants to buy it.

    e.g. ...a structural survey undertaken by a qualified surveyor.

in AM, use 美国英语用 inspection

8. survey

8. 对(建筑物)进行评估;鉴定;检查
      If someone surveys a house, they examine it carefully and report on its structure, usually in order to give advice to a person who is thinking of buying it.

      e.g. ...the people who surveyed the house for the mortgage.

in AM, use 美国英语用 inspect
In more than 30 years of surveying he has never yet known a building to collapse because of subsidence.
survey 单语例句

1. That consensus comes from leading forecasters in a survey by the National Association for Business Economics released Monday.

2. That gloomy outlook came from leading forecasters in the latest survey by the National Association for Business Economics to be released Monday.

3. The study also factors in a survey among business leaders, assessing for example the government's efficiency or the flexibility of the labor market.

4. survey

4. The most recent Philadelphia Fed Business Outlook Survey's future indicators showed notable improvement in August.

5. The survey also showed that more than a third of China's logistics firms are using traditional operational methods in their transportation and storage business.

6. The quarterly " tankan " survey of business sentiment showed confidence rose for the fourth straight quarter amid growing faith in the global recovery.

7. The business climate survey part of the report says the top challenge for US companies in China is the bureaucracy.

8. Business travel costs increased in 2006 after several years of flat or declining prices, according to a survey by American Express.

9. A recent survey in east China's Jiangsu province showed that improved business environments and huge development potential are the main factors driving the trend.

10. survey是什么意思

10. The survey's findings buttress concerns expressed by numerous scholars among them Barbara Dafoe Whitehead of Rutgers University's National Marriage Project.

survey 英英释义



1. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

1. a detailed critical inspection

    Synonym: study

2. the act of looking or seeing or observing

    e.g. he tried to get a better view of it
           his survey of the battlefield was limited

    Synonym: view sight

3. short descriptive summary (of events)

    Synonym: sketch resume


1. consider in a comprehensive way

    e.g. He appraised the situation carefully before acting

    Synonym: appraise

2. survey

2. plot a map of (land)

3. make a survey of
    for statistical purposes

4. hold a review (of troops)

    Synonym: review go over

5. look over carefully or inspect

    e.g. He surveyed his new classmates

6. keep under surveillance

    e.g. The police had been following him for weeks but they could not prove his involvement in the bombing

    Synonym: surveil follow