
sutra [ˈsu:trə]  ['su:trə]


sutra 基本解释


sutra 网络解释


1. 佛经:甚至连英国著名雕塑家安东尼.葛姆雷(Antony Gormley)也被少林武术所触动,与少林武僧联合创作了舞剧<<佛经>>(Sutra). 少林武术可以说是中华武术正宗,当少林武术变艺术,观众也将感受到少林武术的艺术美,从中获得另一番满足.

2. 经藏:会中由记忆力最强而听法最多之佛的堂弟-阿难(Ananda),诵出佛所讲的人生及宇宙的实相真理,是名经藏(Sutra). 又由优婆离(Upali),诵出佛为弟子们特立的行持法规,名律藏(Vinaya). 另由富楼那(Purna)用问答及议论的方式,

3. 修多罗、经藏:471.Abhidharma 阿毗达摩、论藏、强调智慧 | 472.Sutra 修多罗、经藏、 | 473.bodhichitta 菩提心

sutra 单语例句

1. sutra

1. The eminent monk held the translated sutra and walked around the administration hall for three circles.

2. It only required a follower to read sutra, be charitable and build temples.

3. Monk Cong hung Buddhist sutra over the beam and practiced meditation all day long.

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4. The temple was initially built to house two statues and the sutra books the explorers on horseback brought back with them from India.

5. While doing the kowtow, they are supposed to patter the Six Words Sutra without stopping.

6. Eight monks assigned to study together with him also kowtow to the sutra teacher and sit on the floor by the young master.

7. Even during this apparent leisure time, the young master does not lose a chance to learn something from his sutra teacher.

8. sutra的解释

8. Each of them produces their " textbooks " and together recite sutra lines and listen to the sutra teacher's interpretation of the texts.

9. sutra

9. It is widely believed that listening to a Buddhist sutra regularly helps mold a person's temperament.

10. sutra

10. Too shy to read the Kama Sutra on the train during rush hour?

sutra 英英释义


1. a rule or aphorism in Sanskrit literature or a group of aphoristic doctrinal summaries prepared for memorization