
swamp [swɒmp]  [swɑ:mp] 







swamp 基本解释

名词湿地; 沼泽(地)

及物动词淹没; 使沉没; 使陷入困难; 忙得不可开交


swamp 相关例句



1. They swamped out a small landing strip.

2. His secretary was swamped with work.

3. The horses were swamped in the stream.


1. The swamp country is inclined to poach in winter.

swamp 网络解释


1. 沼泽:一般包括:草本沼泽 mashes),灌丛沼泽(swamp),苔藓泥炭沼泽(bogs),湿草甸(wetmeadow),泡沼(potholes),浅水沼泽(sloughs)以及滨河泛滥地(bottom land),也包括生长挺水植物(emergent vegetation)的浅水湖泊或浅水水体,

2. 淹没:他们知道自己国家的经济方面的竞争力(competitive)强,可以从自由贸易(liberalization)中获得最大利益(profit),而发展中(developing)国家担心(fear)自己的经济会遭到西方强势(superior)生产力的淹没(swamp).

3. 木本沼泽:它可以是木本沼泽(swamp)、草本沼泽(marsh)或藓类沼泽(bog). ...

swamp 词典解释

1. 沼泽(地)
    A swamp is an area of very wet land with wild plants growing in it.

2. 淹没;浸没
    If something swamps a place or object, it fills it with water.

    e.g. A rogue wave swamped the boat...
    e.g. The Ventura river burst its banks, swamping a mobile home park.

3. swamp

3. 使不堪承受;使疲于应对;使应接不暇
    If you are swamped by things or people, you have more of them than you can deal with.

    e.g. He is swamped with work...
    e.g. The railway station was swamped with thousands of families trying to flee the city.

swamp 单语例句

1. Hundreds of swamp white oak trees have been trucked in to provide a canopy over the memorial plaza.

2. But a slight turn to the right was possible and engineers feared additional rain could swamp the city's levees.

3. Many analysts have forecast competitive Chinese textiles will swamp the world market after the lifting of quotas.

4. In order to conquer this demon, the princess decided to fill in the swamp and build a large Buddhist temple.

5. A search of the swamp late Sunday and early Monday failed to find the girl or the crocodile.

6. swamp

6. The nearest highway is about 150 kilometres away from the island, with a vast expanse of swamp land in between.

7. To ease concerns that competitive Chinese textiles will soon swamp the world market, the Chinese Government will impose an export tax on certain textile exports from Saturday.

8. Federal officials warned that Tropical Storm Rita could breach the city's weakened levees and swamp the city all over again.

9. Wild ducks seemed to say hello to the geese, shouting and flying off from the nearby swamp.

10. They will swamp the locations of big city airports and major interstate highways.

swamp 英英释义



1. low land that is seasonally flooded
    has more woody plants than a marsh and better drainage than a bog

    Synonym: swampland

2. swamp什么意思

2. a situation fraught with difficulties and imponderables

    e.g. he was trapped in a medical swamp


1. 911查询·英语单词

1. fill quickly beyond capacity
    as with a liquid

    e.g. the basement was inundated after the storm
           The images flooded his mind

    Synonym: deluge flood inundate

2. drench or submerge or be drenched or submerged

    e.g. The tsunami swamped every boat in the harbor

    Synonym: drench