
sward [swɔ:d]  [swɔ:rd] 

sward 基本解释




sward 网络解释

1. 草地:swamp soil 沼澤土 | sward 草地 | swarm 群(飛)

2. 草地,草皮:sward 草地,草皮 | rattle 吵闹,喧嚣声 | hoot 汽车喇叭声

3. 铺草皮:swapping 对换 | sward 铺草皮 | swarf 切屑

4. 草地/草皮/铺草皮:swaraj /自治/独立/ | sward /草地/草皮/铺草皮/ | swarf /屑/切屑/钢板切边/

sward 单语例句

1. United doctor Tony Gill will discuss the results with Sward and specialists at the hospital.

2. Rooney will board a private jet from Germany to Manchester with England doctor Leif Sward and head for the Whalley Range private hospital.

3. " Everything points to a perfect recovery, " England doctor Leif Sward was quoted as saying in Monday's Sun newspaper.

4. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

4. " He can put pressure on his foot now with the special protection he is wearing, " said Sward.

sward 英英释义


1. surface layer of ground containing a mat of grass and grass roots

    Synonym: turf sod greensward