swear on

swear on [swɛə ɔn]  [swɛr ɑn] 

swear on 基本解释


swear on 网络解释


1. 发誓:swear off 发誓戒除 | swear on 发誓 | swear to 断言

2. 凭...起誓:swear off [口]发誓戒(酒等), 发誓不再, 答应放弃 | swear on 凭...起誓 | swear out [美]由宣誓而得到

swear on 单语例句

1. swear on什么意思

1. He didn't drink or swear or carouse with other coaches on the road, though he did have a penchant for berating referees.

2. Bryony Shaw is adamant she will never swear live on television again, even if her emotions get the better of her at next year's Olympic regatta.

3. swear on是什么意思

3. I have a child in Breaking Dawn and I constantly swear, so there is a swear jar on set that just I ended up paying into.

4. danci.911cha.com

4. But John doesn't have to swear on the family Bible that he's not just blowing celebrity smoke.

5. I swear I'll scream if I see Avril Lavigne just one more time on my TV screen.

6. danci.911cha.com

6. " We swear in the name of God to avenge them, " the Egyptian army said in its statement on Monday.