sweat out

sweat out [swet aut]  [swɛt aʊt] 

sweat out 基本解释

sweat out

发出,忍耐到底; 要得到

sweat out 网络解释


1. 冒汗:surging 波动 | sweat out 冒汗 | torsion 扭曲

2. 发出:sweat gland 汗腺 | sweat out 发出 | sweat pants 长运动裤

3. 焦急等待:sweat 流汗 | sweat out 焦急等待 | swell 膨胀,增大

4. 发汗:sweat cooling 蒸发冷却 | sweat out 发汗 | sweating 发汗

sweat out 单语例句

1. I didn't break out in a cold sweat like our lecturer expected us all to, but it's not something I would like to do again!

2. The prospect of having a baby is enough to make many people break out into a cold sweat.

3. People who have contracted flu cover up in quilts or drink hot fresh ginger water to sweat the virus out of their bodies.

4. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

4. Crawl under a pile of blankets to sweat it out through the night and feel like a new person by morning.

5. Less dominant was perpetual awards giant " Mad Men " which had to sweat it out until late in the evening to finally get on the board.

6. You sweat like mad and all the toxins pour out of you!

7. Carrying so many heavy barrels out of the apartment building is not easy, and he is covered in sweat before he even gets them all in the elevator.

8. 911查询·英语单词

8. The few men that choose to pamper their tush are usually athletes who sweat a lot and break out.

9. But what has earned him the respect of the Real fans is his willingness to sweat it out for his team mates.

10. When he came out of the plane, his aviation uniform was soaked through by sweat.