1. 分析法:问题导向性学习,主要过程为理清问题实质、确定结构、解决问题和实际应用结果,目的是培养技术思维能力,典型的如头脑风暴法、思维导图(mind-map)和优劣势分析法(SWOT)等;
2. 分析:第3届台日观光高峰论坛上午在南投举行,日本社团法人日本旅行业协会(JATA)进行日本观光现况专题报告时,台湾旅游的优势、弱势、机会、威胁的4大分 析(SWOT)时,将台湾於98年1月开始严格施行「菸害防制法」,国际机场吸菸的场所大幅减少,
3. 机会:进一步对公司做了内部和外部分析,针对公司的优势、劣势、威胁、机会(SWOT)进行系统化的分析研究制定出战略地图. 根据战略地图的指导方针,最终制定出战略行动方案及实施方案. 行动方案见后附表.
4. swot:strength weakness opportunity threat; 用参与性态势
5. swot:strong weak opportunities threat; 强弱机遇挑战
6. swot:strengths weakness opportunities and threats; 机会及威胁
7. swot:strength weaknesses opportunities threats; swot法
1. swot的近义词
1. (尤指为准备考试)刻苦学习,用功
If you swot, you study very hard, especially when you are preparing for an examination.
e.g. They swotted for their A levels.
2. 只知一味用功学习的人;书呆子
If you call someone a swot, you disapprove of the fact that they study extremely hard and are not interested in other things.
相关词组:swot up
1. swot的反义词
1. He reeled off a list of herbal cures that his apprentice scribbled down with the diligence of a school swot.
1. 911查询·英语单词
1. an insignificant student who is ridiculed as being affected or boringly studious