
syllepsis [sɪ'lepsɪs]  [sɪ'lepsɪs] 

syllepsis 基本解释

名词受孕; 一语双叙法,兼用法,轭语法

syllepsis 网络解释

1. 一语双叙:的暗讽(Innuendo)第十三节 似非而是的隽语(Paradox)第十四节 言过其实的夸张(Hyperbole)第十五节 明抑暗扬的低调陈述(Understatement)第十六节 冷嘲热讽的反语(Irony)第十七节 一箭双雕的一语双叙(Syllepsis)第十八节 一字千金

2. 一语双叙法:syllepses 兼用法 | syllepsis 一语双叙法 | sylleptic 兼用法的

3. 受精:sycosis 须疮 | syllepsis 受精 | sylvian aqueduct 嘻维厄斯水管

4. 教學大綱設計:syllabus design 教學大綱 | syllepsis 教學大綱設計 | underteaching 教學不足

syllepsis 双语例句

1. Syllepsis: The use of any part of speech comparably related to other words or phrases, correctly with respect

2. Deviation in English collocation mainly covers zeugma, syllepsis and transferred epithet in terms of grammatical structure.

3. The creation and understanding of syllepsis and zeugma also appeal to the mechanism of metaphor. The theory of Mental Space and Concept Blending can clearly explain the producing process of these two figures of speech.

4. The study of the writing phenomenon which occurred in the contact and diffusion of the Southwestern Chinese minorities'primitive writings, arriving at the four types of the relations of the writing: writing penetration, writing syllepsis, writing transformation and amalgamated writing. 5.


5. Differentiation and Analysis on Yunnan Eight States & Syllepsis on Intercourse between North Song and Dali State


6. Application of Syllepsis to the Translation from Chinese into English

7. A Comparative Study on the Differences and Similarities between Chinese Adhesion and English Zeugma Language beautified by association of Syllepsis and Zeugma

8. Research on Heading Correction and Sway Velocity Estimation Based on Rudder Feedback Signal A Fresh Perspective toward the Figures of Speech-Zeugma and Syllepsis

9. Syllepsis and Zeugma, two figures of speech, are succinct in wording, producing vivid and humorous effect.

syllepsis 英英释义


1. use of a word to govern two or more words though agreeing in number or case etc. with only one