1. 同步:细胞内氧化应激活性氧(ROS)荧光测定试剂盒(次氯酸离子)冰冻切片氧化应激活性氧(ROS)荧光测定试剂盒(次氯酸离子)动物细胞周期G0期同步(SYNCHRONY)处理试剂盒通用型动物细胞周期(G1/S和G2/M期)同步(SYNCHRONY)处理试剂盒动物细胞周
2. 回到过去:4X17 失踪的九分钟(上) TEMPUS FUGIT | 4X19 回到过去 SYNCHRONY | 4X20 外星爹地 SMALL POTATOES
1. synchrony
1. The electrical activity in these two areas began vibrating in synchrony as they signaled each other.
1. synchrony
1. the relation that exists when things occur at the same time
e.g. the drug produces an increased synchrony of the brain waves
Synonym: synchronism synchronicity synchroneity synchronization synchronisation synchronizing