
tablespoon [ˈteɪblspu:n]  [ˈtebəlˌspun] 


tablespoon 基本解释


名词大汤匙,大调羹; 一大汤匙的量

tablespoon 相关例句


1. Use a solution of 1 tablespoon of vinegar to 1 pint of warm water.

tablespoon 网络解释


1. 汤匙:1 汤匙(tablespoon)香草精华(pure vanilla extract)1 1/2 茶匙(teaspoon)泡打粉(baking powder)把 红糖、香草精华和香蕉泥依次加入打匀的鸡蛋中,混合均匀;再加入融化的黄油,打匀.

2. 大匙:盐(Salt) 2大匙 (Tablespoon)黃酒(Cooking Wine) 1大匙 (Tablespoon)贴士:猪踭一定要用纱布(Cheese Cloth)包裹,并用棉线扎紧后再煮. 煮好的猪踭一定要进冰箱冷藏至完全冷却后再切,否则容易散开. 猪踭不要煮得过于酥烂,影响口感.

3. 汤勺:加拿大的普通粉(All Purpose Flour)比国内的高筋粉还劲道,只有paste machine能禁得住,中国店里的面条机水土不服. 我一个朋友代销过国内的面条机,一个月全部退货. 第二个比例,一杯水配半汤勺(tablespoon)酵母粉. 注意水要温,等酵母起花以后再和到面里.

4. 大汤匙:tableland 高原 | tablespoon 大汤匙 | tablespoonful 一大汤匙的量

tablespoon 词典解释

1. 大汤匙;大调羹
    A tablespoon is a fairly large spoon used for serving food and in cooking.

2. 一大汤匙(或大调羹)的量
    You can refer to an amount of food resting on a tablespoon as a tablespoon of food.

    e.g. ...a tablespoon of sugar.

tablespoon 单语例句

1. Thanks to the eggs and oil that comprise this favourite salad spread, just one tablespoon of the real stuff contains 11 grams of fat and 100 calories.

2. Sprinkle the shrimp with one tablespoon of Creole seasoning and eight turns of the pepper mill.

3. Remove from heat and stir in 1 tablespoon Parmesan and a pinch of salt.

4. Heat one tablespoon of the oil in a large pot over a high heat.

5. Heat 1 tablespoon of the olive oil over medium heat in a medium skillet and add the onion.

6. Heat the remaining one tablespoon of oil in a large skillet over a high heat.


7. Season the chicken with 1 tablespoon of the soy sauce, and all of the salt and wine.

8. If your oven gets too hot, sprinkle a tablespoon of water over the pumpkins.

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9. One tablespoon of the vegetable oil will account for 68 percent of daily limit.

10. Heat up a tablespoon of oil in a frying pan and fry the minced garlic until a light golden brown.

tablespoon 英英释义


1. a spoon larger than a dessert spoon
    used for serving

2. as much as a tablespoon will hold

    Synonym: tablespoonful