
tabloid [ˈtæblɔɪd]  [ˈtæbˌlɔɪd] 


tabloid 基本解释

名词小报,通俗小报; 药片; 文摘; 小型画报

形容词摘要的,缩编的; 小报式的; 轰动性的; 扼要的

tabloid 网络解释

1. 片锭,锭剂,小片:制表,流槽式分离[法],摇床分离[法] tabling | 片锭,锭剂,小片 tabloid | 片状结晶 tabular crystal

2. 文摘:tabloid 缩略的 | tabloid 文摘 | tabloid 小报式的

tabloid 词典解释

1. (版面小、文章短、图片多的)通俗小报
    A tabloid is a newspaper that has small pages, short articles, and lots of photographs. Tabloids are often considered to be less serious than other newspapers.

    e.g. 'The British tabloids called me leggy and stunning,' she recalls.

tabloid 单语例句

1. Hong Kong's paparazzi are considered no less adept at digging up dirt than their tabloid counterparts in the UK.

2. tabloid是什么意思

2. But tabloid revelations in 1999 that he had taken cocaine were yet another unwelcome scandal dropped on the royal family's doorstep.

3. The Sun newspaper broke the surprise news on Saturday and friends of the second in line to the throne confirmed the tabloid story was correct.

4. Shown in a video posted Friday on the tabloid's website, the diminutive Alfie takes the newborn girl in his arms.

5. tabloid

5. Houston filed for divorce from Brown in September after 14 tumultuous years of marriage and tabloid headlines.


6. Hilary Duff was so embarrassed by a recent tabloid spread that she's decided to try to please only herself from now on.

7. tabloid是什么意思

7. Why should a favorite entertainer become the fodder for the survival of a tabloid?

8. The king of tabloid journalism is himself fodder for the kind of humiliating exposure that his hacks excelled at.

9. Photos of her in provocative poses circulate widely and tidbits about her latest album or movie role fill up tabloid pages.

10. The outing was his first before a gallery since the sex scandal made him a tawdry tabloid fixture.

tabloid 英英释义


1. newspaper with half-size pages

    Synonym: rag sheet

2. sensationalist journalism

    Synonym: yellow journalism tab