1. 禁忌:拍<<都市女郎>>时,茂瑙遇上了罗伯特.弗拉哈迪(Robert J.Flaherty),二人志同道合,互相敬仰,于是相约一起远征南太平洋地带,拍他们理想的电影,成就了<<禁忌>> (Tabu)(1931)一片.
2. 小鼓伦巴:17 我的阿狄娜 Me Lo Dijo Adela | 18 小鼓倫巴 Tabu | 19 巴西利亞 Brazil
3. (禁)忌語:taboo (禁)忌語 | tabu (禁)忌語 | ictus (詩中的)强音;揚音
1. an inhibition or ban resulting from social custom or emotional aversion
Synonym: taboo
2. a prejudice (especially in Polynesia and other South Pacific islands) that prohibits the use or mention of something because of its sacred nature
Synonym: taboo
1. excluded from use or mention
e.g. forbidden fruit
in our house dancing and playing cards were out
a taboo subject
Synonym: forbidden out(p) prohibited proscribed taboo verboten
2. forbidden to profane use especially in South Pacific islands
Synonym: taboo