
tacky [ˈtæki]  [ˈtæki] 




tacky 基本解释

形容词俗气的; 发黏的; 褴褛的; 缺乏教养或风度的

tacky 相关例句



1. She looks really tacky in that dress.

2. They spread a lot of tacky gossip about his love life.

tacky 网络解释


1. 胶粘的:tackling 扭住 | tacky 胶粘的 | taconite 角岩

2. 胶结的(漆:tacky producer 粘结胶合剂 | tacky 胶结的(漆 | taconite pellets 铁燧岩球团

3. 粘的:tacky slurry 高粘砂浆 | tacky 粘的 | tacnode 互切点

4. 俗气的:fluff - 没有价值的东西 | tacky - 俗气的 | layover - 临时滞留

tacky 词典解释

1. 做工粗糙的;劣质的;俗气的
    If you describe something as tacky, you dislike it because it is cheap and badly made or vulgar.

    e.g. ...a woman in a fake leopard-skin coat and tacky red sunglasses...
    e.g. The whole thing is dreadfully tacky.

2. (油漆、胶水)发黏的,未干的
    If something such as paint or glue is tacky, it is slightly sticky and not yet dry.

    e.g. Test to see if the finish is tacky, and if it is, leave it to harden.

tacky 单语例句

1. The very tacky but very entertaining Sister Hibiscus is reported to have sold a total of eight tickets for her upcoming debut concert.

2. The decor of the restaurant is hip and fun yet it carefully skirts around the tacky and frivolous.

3. tacky是什么意思

3. Oversized chains and medallions that looked tacky no matter how many carats of diamonds they contained.

4. 911查询·英语单词

4. Several hotspring resorts inside the park have tacky buildings and decorations totally alien to their setting.

5. Sections of the wall have been knocked down to make way for freeways while other parts have undergone a tacky refurbishment to lure tourists.

6. Look beyond the tacky decor and discover a wealth of rather natty Korean clothing and accessories.

7. tacky

7. Keeping it simple is my tip for avoiding a feeling of overload or an overall appearance of a room being tacky.

8. David had his wife's name inscribed on his arm in Hindi because he thought it would be " tacky " to be written in English.

9. 911查询·英语单词

9. This is a marvellously tacky addition to a series that unfortunately began to sag soon after.

10. They are " famous for their tacky style, " said Sporkin.

tacky 英英释义



1. tastelessly showy

    e.g. a flash car
           a flashy ring
           garish colors
           a gaudy costume
           loud sport shirts
           a meretricious yet stylish book
           tawdry ornaments

    Synonym: brassy cheap flash flashy garish gaudy gimcrack loud meretricious tatty tawdry trashy

2. (of a glutinous liquid such as paint) not completely dried and slightly sticky to the touch

    e.g. tacky varnish