1. 标记的:VLAN的数据包是需加标记的(tagged)还是去标记的(untagged). ¨ Tagging:将802.1Q VLAN的信息加入数据包的包头的操作. 具有加标记能力的(tagging enabled)端口会将VID、优先级和其它VLAN信息加入到所有进出该端口的数据包内.
2. 加标记的:VLAN 的数据包是需加标记的(tagged)还是去标记的(untagged). 让其保持其已有的VLAN 信息. 标记(Tagging)使得数据包能够从一台支持802.1Q 的改动. 去标记(Untagging)使得数据包能够从一台支持802.1Q 的交换机传送到其它不Ingress port:入站端口(Ingress port)是交换机上的一个端口,
3. 标记的; 示踪的:tag 作标记; 标志 | tagged 标记的; 示踪的 | tagged molecule 标记分子; 示踪分子
4. 示踪的:tagged word 特征字 | tagged 示踪的 | tagger 追随者
1. " I'm always tagged with craziness but the crazy idea really works, " he said.
2. The figure was questioned by publishers who insist sellers are dumping their books if the price is tagged above a 55% discount.
3. She says that each piglet is tagged with a unique serial number so as to avoid duplication.
4. If ever found in such shops, nine times out of 10 they are tagged with foreign brand names.
5. Right after take off he learns he is not alone, as young Wilderness Explorer Russell has inadvertently tagged along for the ride of a lifetime.
6. The Detroit Free Press tagged the theme for this year's show as " Green or Brawn ".
7. Tagged as the world's most popular whisky, the Red Label has a distinctive strength of character and fullness of flavor.
8. tagged的近义词
8. The gangster group was tagged with a series of crimes in Fangshan, such as offering illegal loans and kidnapping.
9. An animal tagged with GFP glows green when exposed to ultraviolet light, proving that a key gene sequence has been switched on.
10. The government has identified four schools tagged by the Audit Commission for inefficiencies and inappropriate spending late Wednesday night.