
tailings ['teɪlɪŋz]  ['teɪlɪŋz] 


tailings 基本解释
残渣( tailing的名词复数 );尾料;嵌入墙中砖石突出部;屑;
tailings 网络解释


1. 尾渣; 尾矿:tail recession 尾水消退 | tailings 尾渣; 尾矿 | tailings pond 尾矿池; 尾水池

2. 尾渣:tail fin 尾 | tailings 尾渣 | tailings grade 尾矿品位

3. 尾浆,浆渣:tail water 废水;白水 | tailings 尾浆,浆渣 | tailings chest 尾浆槽

tailings 单语例句

1. The tailings dumping pond was built in violation of regulation and had almost no safety inspections.

2. These processes improve the safety of phosphoric fertilizers and increase the amount of tailings that can be used as building materials.

3. tailings

3. It has built and improved facilities for the storage and treatment of tailings to protect and make better use of tailing resources.

4. The dam in Guangdong's Xinyi city held the tailings of a tin mine.

5. The tailings dumping pond was built in violation of regulations and had few safety inspections.

6. Tailings were still being discharged into the river when reporters visited the village in late last month.

7. The tailings dump was built in violation of regulations and had few safety inspections.

8. As a result, further downpours led to the collapse of the tailings dam.