






tainted 基本解释

形容词污染的; 腐坏的; 沾污的; 感染的

动词使变质( taint的过去式和过去分词 ); 使污染; 败坏; 被污染,腐坏,败坏

tainted 网络解释


1. 腐烂:melted 融化 | tainted 腐烂 | damaged by insects 虫损

2. 感染的,污染的:inception 起初 | tainted 感染的,污染的 | conspicuous 显著的,显而易见的

3. 受汙染的:contaminated milk powder 有毒奶粉 | tainted 受汙染的 | quarantine 隔離,檢役

4. 有异味:smooth -- 滑润 | tainted--有异味 | thin -- 味薄

tainted 单语例句

1. tainted的翻译

1. He was kissed by George Clooney on the lips in a scene out of The Descendants and even ate a tainted pie from The Help.

2. 911查询·英语单词

2. Thousands of children in China affected by the tainted baby formula have landed in hospital with kidney stones and other urinary problems.

3. Most shellfish in the offshore areas were tainted with excessive harmful chemicals such as lead, cadmium and the insecticide DDT.

4. It found that over 60 percent of the rice samples it took were tainted with cadmium.

5. China's famous White Rabbit candy will be back in shops overseas from April, six months after sales were halted amid the widespread tainted milk scandal.

6. tainted的近义词

6. A typical case involves tainted bean sprouts in Shenyang, capital of Northeast China's Liaoning province.

7. The case trained a spotlight on the tainted history of Illinois politics, where Obama made his name and tested his campaign vow of transparent leadership.

8. danci.911cha.com

8. Another flawed election would cast doubt on the wisdom of sending more troops to support a weak government tainted by fraud.

9. After the right lost power in 1998 and a slush fund scandal tainted Kohl, she became party chairwoman.

10. 911查询·英语单词

10. Powdered and liquid milk from the two companies were earlier found tainted with melamine, a chemical often used in plastic but banned by the food industry.

tainted 英英释义


1. touched by rot or decay

    e.g. tainted bacon
           `corrupt' is archaic

    Synonym: corrupt