take a leak

take a leak [teik ə li:k]  [tek e lik] 

take a leak 基本解释
take a leak 网络解释

1. 撒尿:Where are you going?|你去哪? | Take a leak.|撒尿 | What are you doing?|你干嘛?

2. 去洗手间(较粗鲁,男混混们才用的):leak泄露 | take a leak去洗手间(较粗鲁,男混混们才用的) | May I go somewhere?我能去洗手间吗?(委婉的说法)

3. 去洗手间 (专指男生,而且是比较粗俗的话):Leak v.(使)漏;泄露 n.漏洞,裂缝;泄漏,漏出量 | take a leak 去洗手间 (专指男生,而且是比较粗俗的话) | where is john ?也指要去男洗手间

take a leak 单语例句

1. Qi asked the State Oceanic Administration to take test samples in Hebei province to learn if a connection exists between the leak and the deaths.

take a leak 英英释义

take a leak什么意思


1. take a leak是什么意思

1. eliminate urine

    e.g. Again, the cat had made on the expensive rug

    Synonym: make urinate piddle puddle micturate piss pee pee-pee make water relieve oneself spend a penny wee wee-wee pass water