take breath

take breath [teik breθ]  [tek brɛθ] 

take breath 基本解释



take breath 网络解释

1. 歇息:88. out of breath 上气不接下气 | 89. take breath歇息 | 90. take one's breath away目瞪口呆;大为惊讶

2. 歇口气:take boat 上船 | take breath 歇口气 | take by storm 攻占

3. 歇一歇; 喘口气:stop sb.'s breath 闷死某人 | take breath 歇一歇; 喘口气 | take one's breath away 使某人大为惊讶或感动

4. 表示喘口气:take a breath 表示深吸一口气; | take breath 表示喘口气. | 35. break vt. 打破;损坏;破坏

take breath 单语例句

1. take breath

1. Everyone can take a deep breath because China do not have to fight with Asian rivals like they did before.

2. 911查询·英语单词

2. You can also observe the pines and rocks at a short distance and take a deep breath of the fresh air along the way.

3. Before you kiss a girl, you just take a bite of the apple to freshen your breath.

4. take breath的翻译

4. Rather than panic, traders and policymakers in China should take a deep breath and consider the larger picture.

5. danci.911cha.com

5. I took a deep breath to take in the fresh air and the smell of earth.

6. SINGAPORE - Take a deep breath, get strapped in and feel the buzz.

7. danci.911cha.com

7. Be attentive to the little details and take a deep breath when everyone around you seems like they're nagging.

8. So he has rested for a time and taken the chance to take a deep breath and wait and see how things evolved.

9. A total of 216 people were invited to take voluntary breath tests.

10. He has visited almost every famous section of the Great Wall around Beijing, and says they have never failed to take his breath away.