take to heart

take to heart

take to heart 单语例句

1. danci.911cha.com

1. According to experts, the prescription drug is for special heart diseases and is difficult to take by mistake.

2. Speculation about what caused Jackson's heart to stop has centered on his prescription drug use, but toxicology tests are expected to take several more weeks.

3. The comment on the state of domestic firms reveals a truth that all interested parties should take to heart.

4. All organizing units should take this to heart, and widely promote this principle so that Party members will enthusiastically participate in the job.

5. Sensors in the pillow case and bed sheet can predict if a patient with heart failure is about to take a turn for the worse.

6. 911查询·英语单词

6. Well it did not take very long to get right to the heart of matters in Tianjin.

7. take to heart的意思

7. This appears to me a morality tale that we could take to heart.

8. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

8. She cautioned that since most senior citizens take warfarin to prevent heart attacks and stroke, they must pay careful attention to any abnormal reaction.

9. Healthy people shouldn't take aspirin to prevent heart disease, researchers say in a new report that casts doubt on recommendations from US health officials.

10. After months of efforts, the Chinese people have begun to take heart.